Business Startup & Corporate Governance Services:
As an entrepreneur looking to start a business, you must decide what form of business entity your new venture will be. Choosing and setting up the form of entity your business will be is one of the most important business decisions you will make in the beginning.
Corporate governance refers to a combination of laws, regulations, procedures, implicit rules and voluntary practices which help companies to perform efficiently and maximize long term value for shareholders and at the same time looking after the interests of other stakeholders like buyers, government, society at large etc. Lenders whether national or international, also look for them for taking exposure in any corporate. It is a function of transparency and fairness in operations and making proper disclosures.
Company as a business organization has become popular over the years.  With the growth in size of these corporates, governance has become all the most  important. SEBI and listing agreements of various stock exchanges require that the requirements of Corporate Governance are duly complied with.   
G.SAILEKH RAJ AND ASSOCIATES is professionally equipped in suggesting to the clients the type organization they need to set up after analyzing and understanding the requirements. It deals with all the statutory authorities in getting registrations and filing of relevant returns well within time.
  • Incorporation of companies/LLPS
  • Consultancy on Company Law matters.
  • Planning for Mergers, Acquisitions, De-mergers, and Corporate re-organizations.
  • Filing of annual returns and various forms, documents.
  • Secretarial Matters including share transfers.
  • Maintenance of Statutory records
  • Consultancy on Public/Rights/Bonus Issue of shares.
  • Change of Name, Objects, Registered Office, etc.
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